Returning home in Uganda

March 7, 2024

From 2010 to 2012 REI provided funding for the provision of resettlement kits for people returning to their homes in Uganda after 20 years in camps.

The kits consisted of groundnut and cowpea seeds, mosquito nets, cooking utensils, water sterilizer, pick-axes and shovels.

The cost of each kit was about ¥5,000.

Imelda Asalo lives in Aboket and has four children. Imelda is a small woman but stands strong when she talks about her life since receiving the resettlement kit.

She planted the groundnuts and cowpea seeds and harvested a good crop. She sold some, used some for her family and kept seeds for planting the next year. 

With the money from the sale of the vegetables, she was able to pay school fees and hospital fees – and buy a goat or two. 

In addition, she helped 4 of her neighbours.

With the shovel and pick-axe in the kit she dug a deep pit latrine, thus improving sanitation. 

Imelda then went on to form a community group of 50 people who make micro-loans to the villagers.

It is clear from Imelda and other people in the community that the kits made a huge difference to people’s lives and gave them the confidence to re-settle in their homesteads.

From one direct beneficiary our support spread to 50 people indirectly.