Shining a light on the power of the Community 

August 2, 2024

How can we know what is best for communities when we are not of their culture and we do not live there?   

REI knows that strength comes from within the community and we have learnt over the years that the best way to make an impact is through the community. 

The REI mission is to shift the power to the community. People in local communities are experts in their situations and are best placed to design and implement their own solutions.
The millions of displaced people still living near home do not want pity or hand-outs but to lead a normal life with some independence. These forgotten communities have the power to build from within. 

Stronger communities enable people to be better prepared to manage future incursions. 

Locally driven interventions and solutions are more responsive, equitable, contextually relevant and sustainable.

Just 6% of the 110 million people displaced by conflict, persecution or ethnic discrimination are seeking asylum. This means that most people want to stay near home and eventually return home. People who have lost so much, want some security, and this comes through the comfort of culture and familiarity. 

On our field visits we meet up with old friends, and new ones; people who are proud to share their work with us, to tell us what they have learnt and how they are using the skills and knowledge gained. We listen to their stories and see what they are doing. They seem stronger on each visit despite the difficulties they face. 

We meet beneficiaries of previous programs and learn how they have gone on to become active members of the community, often contributing to the local economy through trade, employment as well as their skills. 

But most importantly, we will also see how the projects restore self-respect – something we can all relate to. Who wants to live off handouts and worry where the next meal comes from?  

It may seem that the global problems are too immense for us to make any impact through financial support but if it is channeled in the right direction, then small amounts can make a big difference. It is clear that top-down aid keeps people where they are; it does not move people on to make changes. Hand-outs are necessary in emergencies but for long-term impact, we must shift the focus to the refugee communities that are doing the job of reinventing and rebuilding. 

REI invests in human potential by shining a light on the local community. We know it’s the best way to ensure a brighter future not only for refugees but for ourselves too.