Green Farmers’ Association
This project will purchase essential farming equipment and create a website and marketable brand for the Green Farmers’ Association (GFA) in Minami Sanriku.
This project will purchase essential farming equipment and create a website and marketable brand for the Green Farmers’ Association (GFA) in Minami Sanriku.
Refugee Empowerment International has an ongoing partnership with Lutheran World Federation (LWF) to support environmental rehabilitation in Uganda.
The Karambenor project will support the returnees affected by the conflict to rebuild their lives and improve the social and economic development of the community.
This project in Kitgum district of northern Uganda aims to support environmental rehabilitation around Internally Displaced Persons’ (IDP) camps and in return areas through promoting the implementation of environmentally friendly activities.
The goal of this project is to support the environmental rehabilitation process in and near IDP and refugee camp sites and in the return areas by undertaking environmentally friendly activities.
The CARA project is a one year project that targets villages in the Sindian-Sous prefecture and focuses on rebuilding rural livelihoods. CARA will support refugees to return, resettle and rebuild their lives in this conflict-affected region of Casamance through combining improved, appropriate and sustainable farming practice and income generating activities.
Adjumani is a poor district in the north west of Uganda; due to the activities of the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army), the district saw an increase in Sudanese refugees and IDPs from the Acholi region.